
5th piece in Art class this year...

Writing is an intricate interweaving of the structured science of the body and the complex science of the mind. Sitting down to write, one is ecstatic with the infinite galaxies of possibilities. All within the writer's mind lies scenes, opinions, memories, and worlds unknown. Owing to the intricate design of the writer, with a neuron signal he can start a chain reaction within his muscles, ending with the formation of a single letter. That letter, specifically purposed, joins with others, creating words, sentences, paragraphs, all reflecting the inmost of his imagination. Beautiful gardens are planted seed by seed, deliberate. They are watered, giving vivid life to the scene, so it may one day bloom for every eye to take in.  When one is writing, the mind overflows with imagination, pouring energy through the muscles, to jot down seeds that blossom forth to reveal a yet unseen world.

Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...