Flowering Fashion

Third piece in Art class this year...

In our society, appearance often of highest priority, ruling every industry it touches, all the while breaking the hearts of those that cannot compare. This beauty is neither real nor eternal. Outward beauty does not automatically result in happiness. Take a look at the life of a model. Because waistlines widen and skin sags, her beauty does not last. The dress that looked so stunning on her a few years ago, no longer turns any heads. However, there is a beauty that does last. A person with a beautiful heart leaves an impression. The beauty of her personality even makes appear more beautiful on the outside. Her heart contains an authentic beauty that does not go away with age; it grows more stunning every day. While fashion and figure will fade with time, true beauty never fades. It flowers from the heart, branching out its unmistakable authenticity.


Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...