Full of grace and bursting life
Reaching up, grasping the light
Not unfamiliar to pain and strife
Stand firm, dance not the fruitless fight
The wind blows through your boughs
Ripping, tearing off the leaves you hold
Grieving for loss of what nature allows
Those leaves, a burden, already dead and cold
Do not cut your branches away in pain
Bring not a mark to your trunk from worry
The leaves fell with the season, you remain
Springtime buds anew, rest now and do not hurry
Winter rains come, seeming to drown
The outward sun bestows its shine, rare
The water, cold as it is, pours life down
Sink your roots, connect, take nutrients and repair
Reach for the sun when it shines bright
Take it in, store up joy for tomorrow
In the storm, yourself you shall not fight
The pain is not yours to keep, only to borrow
Curse not your branches, they touch heaven above
Blame not your roots, they feed you, hold you fast
Rebuke not your trunk, it carries life, bursts with love
You are a masterpiece, growing through seasons, made to last