
8th piece in Art class this year... 

In any situation, from boredom to anxiety, one can open a book and be transported. While remaining tactually present in the world , just below the surface, the mind replaces, twists, or enhances reality for a time. In tenacious focus, one’s eyes are glued to the pages, immersed in the story. Information, plots, and insight flow felicitously into understanding, erudition acquired with entertaining ease. Pages fly with purpose forth, persistent to plaster the walls of the mind with extensive perspective. The story surrounds and solidifies. Times long gone, worlds unseen, or individuals needing introduction envelope to allow a transport out of, illumination beyond, or delving deeper into reality. A good book takes hold of a reader’s attention, flitting about their imagination with encompassing edification to overlay reality with unexplored perspective.  


Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...