
My last piece in Art Class this year...

In the silence thoughts arise, emotions swell, and inspiration sets a spark. With pencil in  hands she sketches on the page the indistinct designs in the distant haven of her mind. Endless streams of sentiments arrange themselves to blossom where she plants her brush, bursting forth in spirited shades. Experiences and their sensations ebb to and fro on the shore of her imagination, whispering the impressions to portray within the paint. Anxieties fade and timidity is swept away as the designs unwind the thoughts that enlivened her dreams. Exposed before any passing eye, a piece of art breathes the unspoken words that excited its creation. In her work an artist discloses an image fashioned with materials upon an otherwise vacant page, her soul imprinted betwixt mingled colors and lines, transparent to pronounce what her mouth dares not.  

Will be available, with the others, for sale at my Senior Art Show on May 21st...stay tuned...