
My last piece in Art Class this year...

In the silence thoughts arise, emotions swell, and inspiration sets a spark. With pencil in  hands she sketches on the page the indistinct designs in the distant haven of her mind. Endless streams of sentiments arrange themselves to blossom where she plants her brush, bursting forth in spirited shades. Experiences and their sensations ebb to and fro on the shore of her imagination, whispering the impressions to portray within the paint. Anxieties fade and timidity is swept away as the designs unwind the thoughts that enlivened her dreams. Exposed before any passing eye, a piece of art breathes the unspoken words that excited its creation. In her work an artist discloses an image fashioned with materials upon an otherwise vacant page, her soul imprinted betwixt mingled colors and lines, transparent to pronounce what her mouth dares not.  

Will be available, with the others, for sale at my Senior Art Show on May 21st...stay tuned...


8th piece in Art class this year... 

In any situation, from boredom to anxiety, one can open a book and be transported. While remaining tactually present in the world , just below the surface, the mind replaces, twists, or enhances reality for a time. In tenacious focus, one’s eyes are glued to the pages, immersed in the story. Information, plots, and insight flow felicitously into understanding, erudition acquired with entertaining ease. Pages fly with purpose forth, persistent to plaster the walls of the mind with extensive perspective. The story surrounds and solidifies. Times long gone, worlds unseen, or individuals needing introduction envelope to allow a transport out of, illumination beyond, or delving deeper into reality. A good book takes hold of a reader’s attention, flitting about their imagination with encompassing edification to overlay reality with unexplored perspective.  


Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...

Father and Daughter

7th piece in Art class this year... 

She dances, chubby child feet sway back and forth supported by the sturdy shoes beneath them, a cherished daughter led by a kindhearted father. He lives with integrity and humility, reflecting the heart of the King of heaven. He leads her through life, trying to keep her uncalloused tiny toes from splinters, all the while teaching her the steps of wisdom to dance on her own. With her hands in her father's she feels as if she were a princess, worth the doting protection of the King, and deserving of a prince's love. With every action of his life, he shows his daughter what a good man is, a partner worth letting cut in. His reflection of her heavenly father reveals her intrinsic worth beyond royalty to herself.  A good father dances with his little princess through life, wisely leading her in his steps of integrity and humility, showing her that only a prince with a heart like his is worthy to lead her onto the ballroom floor.

Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...

In His Hand

6th piece in Art class this year...

If one sees but a fragment of God’s perfect creation, it must be nearly impossible not to feel witness to what surpasses intelligent design. In nature we experience the intricate, grand, subtle, striking, elegant, raw, and radiant expression of love from a mighty Creator to His creation. With the fast-pace, stress flooded atmosphere of this world, one cannot help but cry out for silence. It is in the silence that we can feel the pure connection between ourselves and God through the intricate details, magnificent wonders, and delectable beauty, of his creation. The one who made it all with such deliberate functionality and extravagant loveliness would not let us fall, but tenderly holds us in his hand, safe in His good and perfect will.  Immersed in God’s paradisaic creation, we can only begin to comprehend the astounding fact that we are held to rest, supported by this imaginative designer for the purest of purposes, love.

Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...


5th piece in Art class this year...

Writing is an intricate interweaving of the structured science of the body and the complex science of the mind. Sitting down to write, one is ecstatic with the infinite galaxies of possibilities. All within the writer's mind lies scenes, opinions, memories, and worlds unknown. Owing to the intricate design of the writer, with a neuron signal he can start a chain reaction within his muscles, ending with the formation of a single letter. That letter, specifically purposed, joins with others, creating words, sentences, paragraphs, all reflecting the inmost of his imagination. Beautiful gardens are planted seed by seed, deliberate. They are watered, giving vivid life to the scene, so it may one day bloom for every eye to take in.  When one is writing, the mind overflows with imagination, pouring energy through the muscles, to jot down seeds that blossom forth to reveal a yet unseen world.

Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...


4th piece in Art class this year... 

Music is a powerful force, both driving and enriching lives. As a result of a collaboration with talent and practice, the musician is poised to play. Gentling grasping the bow, fingers forming chords, and chin softly resting, she begins. Years of learning, hours of preparation, and sheer determination turn a child with potential, into this gifted musician. Although the audience sees but the end result, they are none the less affected. Before them is a musician, an individual who can fill the atmosphere with the most angelic of notes, drowning out the world beyond, if only for a moment. The musician glides through the notes to produce melodies that radiate through the anticipating air, enveloping the hall in an exquisite, meandering sonance.


Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...

Flowering Fashion

Third piece in Art class this year...

In our society, appearance often of highest priority, ruling every industry it touches, all the while breaking the hearts of those that cannot compare. This beauty is neither real nor eternal. Outward beauty does not automatically result in happiness. Take a look at the life of a model. Because waistlines widen and skin sags, her beauty does not last. The dress that looked so stunning on her a few years ago, no longer turns any heads. However, there is a beauty that does last. A person with a beautiful heart leaves an impression. The beauty of her personality even makes appear more beautiful on the outside. Her heart contains an authentic beauty that does not go away with age; it grows more stunning every day. While fashion and figure will fade with time, true beauty never fades. It flowers from the heart, branching out its unmistakable authenticity.


Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...

Mother and Child

Second piece in Art class this year...

    No one comes into this world without the help of a mother. Inside of her, she has the ability to bring to life another human being. The mother should not help but love the life she grew. A child is dependent upon its mother for the warmth and nourishment needed for life. This bond lasts beyond the womb, carrying on through the life of the child, until it is strong enough to protect itself. Without this care, the child suffers. However, with this care, the child can thrive, innately understanding the love it has received.  Once as close as two humans can possibly be, they make this bond extraordinary. The warm connection between mother and child, nurturing protection and trusting dependence, wraps one up into the purest of loves.


Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...


First piece in Art class this year... 

    Life is not without difficulties. Sometimes it seems as though one would be better off alone, facing the world all by oneself, and all that imprudent independence garbage. Yes, one must be able to stand on their own feet and face their problems. However, sometimes in the darkness of life, a person may stumble and fall, either unwilling or unable to seek out the light. This is when another person, similar in some ways, and yet so vastly different, comes along and grabs a hold of their hand. Perspective, comfort, and guidance can be exchanged. Friendship is holding another person’s hand, illuminating through the darkness the possibility for beautiful color and light.

Will be available for sale at the end of the school year...stay tuned...